Nino Davadze

Nino Davadze[GE]

an experimental musician, radio broadcaster, and sound artist based in Tbilisi Georgia.


Drawing inspiration from her classical music training and choral singing in an Orthodox church , Dava combines avant-garde electronic soundscapes with the nuances of choral singing, field recordings, synthetic vocals, and spoken word. Her sonic trajectory repurposes the form of IDM, electronic minimalism via storytelling and political lyricism to create a new hybrid that adds a refreshing musical perspective at a personal level. She intends to create a utopian environment using sound art, field recordings and visuals for her live performances and recordings. Effecting the musical language used a tool that expresses the resistance to the concrete system of contemporary Georgian society in the post-soviet context.

As an independent artist, she has actively participated in local and international theaters, sound art platforms, and inclusive communities. Notable engagements include CCA Tbilisi's "River Magic Garden," an audio sculpture on the bank of the Mtkvari river, Collaboration with Shape + Platform / Mutant Radio as a performer and workshop facilitator, Dina Venue in Sheffield, establishment of a new electro-acoustic collective “Lava”, the Tbilisi New Drama Festival, Open Space Tbilisi as a resident, among others.

Driven by a passion for fostering community understanding on local terms, Dava also co-founded Plazm Platform—an inclusive international hub for experimental music and contemporary dance performance. Plazm provides a creative space for independent creators from Eastern European countries, including Georgia, with the aim of critically rethinking the post-Soviet historical context within the living environment of Tbilisi (2022).


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